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AIPHA: the innovative data hub to transform the european audiovisual industry

Europe Creative Media
Supported by the Europe Creative MEDIA Programme, AIPHA aims to revolutionize the audiovisual industry by offering unprecedented access to decision-making capabilities, combining efficiency, sustainability, and compliance with European regulations.

Our connection to MIT CSAIL, MIT’s computer science and AI research lab

Véronique Pevtschin at CSAIL's annual alliance meeting
Our co-CEO Veronique Pevtschin attended the CSAIL Alliances annual meeting to connect with the CSAIL community and other industry members.

RTBF report on TheGreenShot

On the occasion of the Cannes Film Festival, Max Hermans spoke to RTBF about TheGreenShot’s commitment to helping productions with their energy transition and, in particular, reducing their carbon footprint.

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AIPHA: the innovative data hub to transform the european audiovisual industry

Europe Creative Media
Supported by the Europe Creative MEDIA Programme, AIPHA aims to revolutionize the audiovisual industry by offering unprecedented access to decision-making capabilities, combining efficiency, sustainability, and compliance with European regulations.

Tendances Trends

June 2024 – Tendances Trends – French article: “TheGreenShot débarque à Hollywood pour verdir l’industrie du cinéma”

Media Marketing

June 2024 – Media Marketing – French article: “TheGreenShot goes to Hollywood”