
Carbon Calculator

TheGreenShot x Carbon’Clap interface significantly reduces the effort required for data collection, minimizing the time and complexity for each production to complete and submit their initial and final CNC-compliant documents. TheGreenShot can generate real-time the Carbon Clap certification forms and carbon footprint calculation.

Ecoprod Label

Carbon Calculator

Stay tuned for the Ecoprod Label connection.


Carbon Calculator

Activate the Doconomy Aland Index calculator from your project configuration page to utilize the only Standards & Poor reviewed calculator. This tool provides a fully detailed carbon footprint that can be integrated into your enterprise or studio report. Coming soon – the breakdown into Scope 1, Scope 2 and Scope 3 emissions.

Green Film

Certification / Reporting

Prepare your initial GreenFilm prerequisite report, progressively complete your final report, and ensure full access to your funding. This includes the specific WallImage format.


Certification / Reporting

All productions financially supported by WallImage can use TheGreenShot to submit a green report, based on their preferred green certification (contact us for supported certifications).

Belgian Tax Shelter

Certification / Reporting

Utilize our tax shelter interface to export all necessary expenses and financial information. Manage audits efficiently even months after production ends, by using our archive function, significantly reducing the workload for your accounting department. Interface available Q4 2023.

Covid Report

Certification / Reporting

Utilize our dedicated Covid report to manage separate teams on your productions and prevent production stoppages due to Covid-19 illness.

US Labour Union Guides

Import the memo deals from the US Labor Guide Union that are applicable to movie production.

CNN Salary – Annex 1 & 3

Import the contracts (memo deals) from the national French convention related for movie production.

Green Key

TheGreenShot proposes the full list of GreenKey certified accommodations. Avalaible directly inside the app through our suppliers option.